General procurement notice: Chimuara-Nacala power project

The Government of Mozambique has received USD 200 million in financing from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) towards the cost of the Chimuara-Nacal power transmission project and has said that it intends to apply part of the proceeds for the payments for goods, works, related services and consulting services to be procured under this project.
The components to be financed by the IDB in this project will include the following:
– Goods and works: construction of about 340km 400kV single circuit transmission line and construction of two new 400kV substations, among others.
– Consulting services: a consultant will be involved in all matters pertaining to the project execution including site surveys, resettlement action plan activities (RAP), and so on.
Specific procurement notices for contracts to be bid under the IDB’s International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures and for contracts for consultancy services will be announced as they become available at the IDB website and the journal Noticias, Electricidade de Moçambique’s (EDM)’s website, among other places.
The request for expressions of interest for consultants will be issued on May 30, 2016.
Electricidade de Moçambique E.P.
Direcção de electrificação e projectos
Av. Filipe Samuel Magaia, 368, 1° andar
Caixa Postal 2532
Tel: +258 21 35 36 04
Fax: +258 21 32 20 74
